Efficient load and performance testing is business-critical.

Affirm the ability of your software to handle all possible traffic conditions.
Performance testing services help ensure the system’s stability and proper functioning under expected, continuous, and peak load. Isha's performance testing experts apply proven tools to validate the solution’s performance and provide an all-around view of its performance and ensure bottlenecks are taken care.

Let’s ensure your performance excellence

The reliable and consistent performance of your business critical applications is the key to success of your enterprise. However, Bottlenecks within an application are often identified in live scenarios which result in considerable damage to the reputation of your brand. That is where formal Performance Testing of the applications is necessary to ascertain application behavior at peak performance and scalability levels.

Isha Experts help you predict application behavior and performance in a simulated, real-life environment, thus saving you from unpleasant events later, which frustrate customers and impact profitability. We ensure the application is responsive and reliable enough to respond to peak load days like a black Friday sale / Big billion day and can also scale to other future events like product release, acquisitions, new clients, regulatory changes and ongoing business growth.


Production Readiness

Assess the production readiness of an IT system to achieve performance goals and requirements.


Generate More Revenue

Scalable products generate more revenue. Our company provides performance testing as a service to ensure your system can cope with an increasing number of users.


Enhance your online presence and user experience

Our end-to-end performance testing services ensure a future-proof system that is scalable, responsive and consistent, to ensure your customer’s satisfaction


Eliminate performance bottlenecks

If the software can’t handle the workload you expected, we’ll detect the cause for a slowdown and deal with it.


Determine how your system functions at a given load

Our load testing will show whether your system is ready to be deployed on production.


Prevents system crashes

Our performance testing services aim to identify and resolve problems that would otherwise cause a website to crash, before go-live

Performance Testing Services

How does your system perform under expected user loads? What are its limits? Do you have a capacity plan in place? During application performance testing we will answer all those questions so that you could protect your business against product failures. Don’t worry if you haven’t worked with performance testing companies before, we will provide full guidance and support.


Load testing

Load testing is a type of performance testing that simulates a real-world load on a system or application to see how it performs under stress. The goal of load testing is to identify bottlenecks and determine the maximum number of users or transactions the system can handle. It is an important aspect of software testing as it helps ensure that the system can handle the expected usage levels and identify any potential issues before the system is deployed to production.

During load testing, various scenarios are simulated to test the system’s behavior under different load conditions. This can include simulating a high number of concurrent users, simulating a large number of requests, and simulating heavy network traffic. The system’s performance is then measured and analyzed to identify any bottlenecks or issues that may occur.


Endurance Testing

Endurance testing is also known as Soak testing. It aims at testing the system for a prolonged period of time. It makes sure that the system runs smoothly without any failure and handles the desired load.

In endurance testing, the performance testing is conducted for a longer period as per the testing requirements (such as 12 hours, 72 hours, or more) compared to other testing types such as load or stress testing.

It helps in finding out any memory leaks in the system. It also helps in checking the response time of the system over a longer period.


Stress Testing

Stress Testing is a type of software testing that verifies stability & reliability of software application. The goal of Stress testing is measuring software on its robustness and error handling capabilities under extremely heavy load conditions and ensuring that software doesn’t crash under crunch situations. It even tests beyond normal operating points and evaluates how software works under extreme conditions.

A most prominent use of stress testing is to determine the limit, at which the system or software or hardware breaks. It also checks whether the system demonstrates effective error management under extreme conditions.


Scalability Testing

Scalability Testing is a nonfunctional testing method that measures the performance of a system or network when the number of user requests are scaled up or down. The purpose of Scalability testing is to ensure that the system can handle the projected increase in user traffic, data volume, transaction counts frequency, etc. It tests system’s ability to meet the growing needs.
It is also referred to as performance testing, as such, it is focused on the behavior of the application when deployed to a larger system or tested under excess load. In Software Engineering, Scalability Testing is to measure at what point the application stops scaling and identify the reason behind it.


Spike Testing

Spike testing is a type of performance testing used to determine an application’s behavior when exposed to extreme traffic variations. Spike Testing is performed to estimate the weaknesses of software applications.In Software Engineering Spike testing helps determine system performance will deterioration when there is a sudden high load.

Another goal of Spike Testing is to determine the recovery time. Between two successive spikes of user load, the system needs some time to stabilize. This recovery time should be as low as possible.


Volume Testing

Volume Testing: Volume Testing is a type of software testing that is performed to test the performance or behavior of the system or application under a huge amount of data.

The database is stretched to a threshold point by adding a large amount of data to it and then the system is tested for its response.

Tools we use

Performance Testing for API, Web, and Mobile

From a business layer to a user interface – we provide Agile software performance testing services at all levels helping your product achieve fault-proof performance.


API performance testing

To see how your system behaves when multiple users try to reach a server, we send network requests in bulk. We provide performance testing as a service, writing test scripts to execute API load testing scenarios.

Web application performance testing

Web performance tests help you see how a website would behave under real-life circumstances. Plus, it helps you see if it can handle peak load hours in various regions.

Mobile app performance testing

This type of testing helps you evaluate how your app works on different kinds of devices, define its server response time, and see how the app performs on networks that provide different loading speeds.

We Take Care of Every Performance Testing Step

Here is a quick overview of how our performance testing process works at Agile projects.


Knowing about their expectations


Non-Functional requirement gathering


Doing the POC


Test Plan


Test Scripts


Test Execution


Test Results


Test Reports & Analysis

Feedbacks from our clients